
spinach with clear broth

spinach one of the dishes that have a high nutritional Not only that though it looks simple but if we know the correct way to cook then this could be a vegetable dish that sepecial . vegetable nodes will be felt more and more tempting when served with fried tempeh , fried tofu , or fried chicken , and added tomato sauce and crackers . Can not you imagine how it feels ? It seemed it was enough to make me hungry now .

note : This spinach has a high iron to cook it so it must be a really mature . and do not warm it up again .

ingredients :
2 bunches ( 300 grams ) spinach
3 pieces ( 500 grams ) of young sweet corn , cut into pieces
1 carrot , sliced ​​oblique
4 pieces of red onion , thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
2 cm kencur , sliced
1 1/2 tablespoons of salt
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons fried onions for topping
2,000 ml of water

How to Make :

1 . Boil onion , bay leaf , and kencur until fragrant .

2 . Enter the corn . Boil until cooked . Add carrots , salt , and brown sugar . Stir well .

3 . Enter spinach . Cook until done . Sprinkle fried shallots .

This is very easy, right ? For those of you who want to try the recipes I create other menus , just visit my blog . There are many ways to make the choice easy recipes and of course bad for you to try at home respectively