
cook rice - nasi wakul

Rice is the food derived from rice cooked rice to swell and there was the staple food of people in Indonesia , most people will say compact it feels incomplete if not just eat rice , so now I will give you cook rice in the traditional procedure

1 . Take rice .

Peck and weighing rice will later be cooked , remember every one peck of rice will be doubled when it becomes rice , so take enough rice .

2 . Wash the rice thoroughly.

Add rice into the last dose results in clean containers for , rinse with clean water , then stir by hand and scrunched scrunched , repeat this step until three or four times , until the rice dry clean waste water .

3 . Place the rice in a pan and let stand a few seconds .

Take the rice that was in last wash , place in pan , then add water to ± 2 cm above the surface of the rice ( if the balance sheet anyway forefinger ± 2 books ) , and let stand a few seconds .

4 . Then cook the rice in the pot earlier to ½ ripe.

After ± 10 minutes to cook rice in a pan on medium heat until just now ½ maturity or until the water in the pot to evaporate and finished last , stir plan plan , if the water is gone and rice so it is difficult in the mix ( ½ cooked ) , remove the pan and let stand the remaining ½ rice maturity .

5 . Heat the pan steamed .

Heat the pan steam which would have no water , do not forget yah! , Wait until the water boils.

6 . Add cooked rice ½ above the steaming pot .

Once water is boiling in the pot steamed rice last enter and close close close , and wait until it is fully mature ± 30 minutes.

7 . Walaaaa rice is cooked.

Transfer rice mature rice into place , people here say wakul , or if you have Warmer rice , rice and finished.