
honey roasted chicken

If the chicken in honey has a distinctive flavor, with herbs to make food choices can be your favorite food

materials to make honey roasted chicken:
800 grams of chicken breast hometown , cut to taste
100 ml sweet soy sauce
4 tbsp honey
2 pieces of orange leaves
2 bay leaves
2 stalk lemongrass , crushed
1 vertebra galangal , crushed
Margarine for greasing enough
sufficient water

Spices that are :
Roasted Pecan 4 items
1 vertebra turmeric finger
Half knuckles Ginger
1/2 spoon of pepper
1/2 spoon Coriander
3 cloves of Garlic
5 cloves Shallots
3/4 spoon Salt

sauce :
10 chili
3 cloves of Garlic
2 cloves Shallots
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 whole tomato

How to Make

1 . Wash chicken thoroughly , then cut into pieces according to taste .
2 . Marinate chicken with seasoning that has been smoothed .
3 . Add the water , stirring constantly , then enter the pressure cooker .
4 . After the pot reads turn off the heat .
5 . Discard the remaining water in the Presto ( which is low ) .
6 . Add soy sauce and honey in a saucepan , stirring, stirring .
7 . Prepare a grill that has been spread with margarine
8 . Then bake for a while inverted
9 . to make a puree sauce seasoning sauce on top
9 . After careful planning on serving plates and sprinkle with chili sauce on the side

if you want to add more delicious green vegetables such as lettuce and cucumbers .--monggomasak--