
Pureed vegetable for diet

Pureed vegetable diet health is well suited for those who want to diet or lose weight , because the menu is pureed vegetables contain lots of fiber seklai good for your digestion .

Porridge Ingredients Vegetables

125 g of rice
800 cc of water
2 pieces of pandan leaves
1 stalk lemongrass , crushed
1 tsp salt
150 g pumpkin , cut into cubes
100 g sweet corn
2 carrots sliced ​​into small pieces
1 bunch of spinach
1 bunch kale
1 bunch basil leaves

Complement :

100 gr salmon / tuna , cut into small pieces , fry
Tomato sauce to taste

Porridge Cooking Vegetables :

1 . Cook water , rice , pandan , lemongrass , salt , until it becomes mush .
2 . Add ladu yellow , corn , carrots . Corn and carrots and cook until soft .
3 . Add spinach , kale . Cook briefly , give the basil leaves , stir well , remove from heat .
4 . Serve with tomato sauce and salmon / tuna .

tips for cooking this menu , when you serve can also add some fresh fruits like oranges or apples as enhancements. - monggomasak -