
Peyek peanut

dent peanut


1/2 kg rice flour finish
200 grams of tapioca flour
3 glasses of milk are relatively thin
1 bunch chives potong2 / may be substituted slices of lime leaves
1 large egg last
1/4 kg peanut wash mall 2


3 items hazelnut
8 pcs garlic
2 tbsp coriander
salt to taste

How to make: 

(A) prepare container of tapioca flour mixed with rice flour mix evenly and set aside

(B). Separate entries in a container of coconut milk and spices halus.dan eggs and stir well. set aside
How to fry

Prepare the pan and give a lot of hot oil on low heat.

(C) Take a bowl cast (item A) 1 in flour and rice ladle (material B) 2 rice ladle of coconut milk and stir well. (Keenceran dough according to taste)

Take 1 tbsp of peanuts and berries ready chives stir fry.
Take 1 tablespoon of dough flush on the edge of the pan, will be on their own, do it until the dough runs out. fried until golden and cooked .. lift ready enjoy.

*) If it is done frying frying C.untuk do like the back.

*) DRY INGREDIENTS and coconut water separated

if you want to fry the new mixed...
