
Mustard greens with clear broth and meatballs

Healthy food does not have to be expensive and difficult to make. mustard greens are the vegetables that are rich in fiber are good for health. also equipped with meatballs as your nutritional intake to meet the completeness of your healthy diet.

     2 bunches of mustard greens
     1 piece of tofu, cut into
     8 fish balls grain / cow
     1 egg
     Sufficient water

     6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
     4 spring onions, thinly sliced
     1 fruit cubes
     Pepper to taste
     Salt to taste

How to make:
1. Boil water, and garlic until fragrant red and boiling
2. Reduce heat. Add the eggs that have been beaten off little by little, stirring, stirring.
3. Next enter the fish balls / beef and tofu.
4. Add cubes, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well.
5. Enter chicory.
6. Cook and boil until cooked. Serve.

Tip: if you place no meatballs or tofu, you can replace it with sausage or chicken / beef. You can also add a lot more vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, or green sayiran other.

Recipe green cabbage vegetable nodes will be more delicious when enjoyed in the cold. Hope can be an alternative lunch menu you and your family. - Monggomasak -