
Java Chicken Recipes Spicy shredded

spicy shredded chicken is siatu cooking with basic ingredients in the chicken though with spices and herbs with characteristic spicy flavor that can increase your appetite

Materials needed :

2 pieces of chicken breast , hard-boiled , coarse shreded
350 ml thick coconut milk from 1 coconut
5 leaves of fresh orange
2 stalks lemongrass crushed
1 cm galangal crushed
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp tamarind water java
1 tsp salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 tablespoons cooking oil

Puree :
10 pieces of red chili
10 spring onions
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon sugar JWA , comb
2 cm kencur
1 tsp shrimp paste cooked

Spicy shredded chicken cooking steps :

1. Boil chicken until cooked beforehand
2. shredded - finely shredded .
3. heat the cooking oil , saute seasoning mashed up to smell fragrant .
4. Enter the coconut milk , shredded chicken , lime leaves , lemongrass , galangal , salam , tamarind water , salt and pepper .
5. Cook until seasoning dries , lift . Serve as a complementary lunch pack .

cooking - java - shredded - chicken - spicy
Above is the Javanese recipes spicy shredded chicken that could mother try at home for her beloved family . May be useful for the mother - a mother who loves to cook at home